We Are Leading Provider for Soil Remediation Solutions.
  • 21 Igboukwu Street, D/Line Port Harcourt

DAVEM possesses extensive capabilities and experience in the remediation of sites with contaminated soil or groundwater contamination as well as cleanup, handling, and disposal of hazardous material. The key advantage we offer is our ability to provide an integrated approach to environmental management as well as our ability to handle all project phases from investigation through design to final cleanup. The result is enhanced control and the ability to streamline costs by employing one provider to manage and execute all phases of a project.

Our spill clean-up service employs eco-friendly methods: Micronized PolyUrethane or Biodegradable Sorbens. Polyurethane is a cleanup with a recovery option as the oil spilled is caked into pellets (small lumps) which are readily collected with various apparatus like nets, skimmers, etc. The oil can be extracted for use again. The cake is also a ready fuel for various applications such as boilers, turbines, etc. The cake can also be burnt in our mobile or fixed incinerators into environmentally friendly safe ashes.

Our Biodegradable Sorbens are rich in humic acids, microbes, enzymes, etc. that digest the oil within a short time thereby restoring the soil. These sorbents are:

  • Made from a plant-renewable resource
  • The most oil-absorbent natural material
  • Can be incinerated or land farmed
  • Neutral pH
  • Contains indigenous oil-eating microbes
  • Enhances bioremediation of hydrocarbons